KEYENCE LJ-H1W User Manual

Page 95

background image

Error Message List





The correlation value exceeds the setting

Set the correlation value within the range.

Page 5-7

OUT settings

The length of the OUT name exceeds the
setting range.
Set a name with 20 or fewer characters.

Set the OUT name to 20 or fewer characters. Page 5-8

The value for measurement value alarm
warning exceeds the setting range.
Set the value between 0 and 255.

Set the value for measurement value alarm
warning between 0 and 255.

Page 5-8

The value for offset exceeds the setting range.
Set the value between ( ) and ( ).

* The values displayed within the

parentheses ( ) vary depending on the
units and the minimum display unit.

Set the offset within the displayed range.

Page 5-8

The upper limit exceeds the setting range.
Set the value between ( ) and ( ).

* The values displayed within the

parentheses ( ) vary depending on the
units and the minimum display unit.

Set the upper limit within the displayed

Page 5-8

The lower limit exceeds the setting range.
Set the value between ( ) and ( ).

* The values displayed within the

parentheses ( ) vary depending on the
units and the minimum display unit.

Set the lower limit within the displayed range. Page 5-8

The input value exceeds the setting range.
Set the value between ( ) and ( ).

* The values displayed within the

parentheses ( ) vary depending on the
units and the minimum display unit.

Set the input value within the displayed

Page 5-8

The display value exceeds the setting range.
Set the value between ( ) and ( ).

* The values displayed within the

parentheses ( ) vary depending on the
units and the minimum display unit.

Set the display value within the displayed
range in the error message.

Page 5-8

The value for OUT No. A exceeds the
setting range.
Set the value between 1 and ( ).

* The values displayed within the

parentheses ( ) vary depending on the
set OUT No.

Set the value for OUT No. A within the
displayed range.

Page 5-8

The value for OUT No. B exceeds the
setting range.
Set the value between 1 and ( ).

* The values displayed within the

parentheses ( ) vary depending on the
set OUT No.

Set the value for OUT No. B within the
displayed range.

Page 5-8

This setting cannot be configured
because a master profile is not registered.
Set a master profile in "Master registration".

Register a master profile with "Master
registration" in the "Master reg" menu.

Page 5-8

Set the span value between -10 and 10.

Set the span value in the range of -10 and

Page 5-8

The same values cannot be set for the
input values.

Set different values for the input values.

Page 5-8


Error message

