English, Rehabilitation – Compex Sport Elite User Manual
Page 203
Development of the abdominal belt to
prevent pain in the lumbar region (low
back pain)
ow back pain arises most frequently
among subjects who do not have suffi-
cient musculature in the abdominal re-
hese muscles in fact represent a veritable
natural "corset", the role of which is to
protect the low back region from exces-
sive stress of all kinds. This is why it is re-
ferred to as the abdominal "belt". After a
bout of lumbago, when the pain has stop-
ped (see Section "Pain category" in Part IV
of this manual), a common recommenda-
tion is to improve the efficiency of the ab-
dominal and back muscles to prevent any
recurrence. The
Disuse atrophy
gramme imposes a large amount of work
on the abdominal muscles, without requi-
ring the harmful or even dangerous posi-
tions often adopted when voluntary
exercises are carried out incorrectly. An
abdominal belt that has greater strength
and endurance can then satisfactorily fulfil
its role of protecting the low back region.
Cycle duration: 4 weeks, then maintenance
Weeks 1-4: 1 x/ day Disuse atrophy 10I
Weeks 5 and following weeks: 1 x/ day Disuse
atrophy 10I
Programme: Disuse atrophy 10I
Development of the low back muscles to
prevent pain in the lumbar region (low
back pain)
ike the muscles of the abdominal region,
the muscles of the low back (lumbar mus-
cles) also play a role in protecting the low
back region. Subjects whose low back
muscles are inadequately effective are
particularly prone to low back pain. Once
the pain in the low back has disappeared,
patients are often advised to strengthen
the low back muscles with a view to pre-
venting the recurrence of painful epi-
sodes. However, carrying out voluntary
back exercises often presents serious diffi-
culties for patients who suffer from low
back pain. That is why electrostimulation
of the low back muscles using the
programme is one of the prefer-
red methods to improve the efficiency of
these muscles.
Cycle duration: 4 weeks, then maintenance
Weeks 1-4: 1 x/ day Disuse atrophy 14L
Weeks 5 and following weeks: 1 x/ day Disuse
atrophy 14L
Programme: Disuse atrophy 14L
Strengthening of the lateral peroneus
muscles after ankle sprain
he purpose of the lateral peroneus mus-
cles is to maintain the stability of the
ankle joint and prevent it from rotating in-
wardly. After a sprain, these muscles lose
their reflex-contraction capacity together
with much of their strength. Regaining
competent lateral peroneal muscles after a
sprain is a fundamental step, without
which recurrence is very probable. To do
their job correctly, the lateral peroneals
must be strong enough to prevent the foot
twisting inwards, but they must also
contract reflexively at the precise moment
when the heel tilts inwards. To develop
both of these aspects, strength and speed
of contraction, you should use the
programme, which produces effi-
cient lateral peroneal muscles and
therefore helps to prevent recurrence.
Cycle duration: 4 weeks, then maintenance
Weeks 1-4: 1 x/ day Reinforcement 2A
Weeks 5 and following weeks: 1 x/ day Rein-
forcement 2A
, if you take part in a dange-
rous sporting activity
Programme: Reinforcement 2A
Manuel Sport Elite:Sport Elite 0706 31/01/08 15:16 Page 203