I. warnings, English – Compex Sport Elite User Manual

Page 161

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1. Counter-indications

Important counter-indications

Cardiac stimulator (pacemaker)


Pregnancy (no positioning in the

abdominal area)

Serious arterial circulatory pro-

blems in the lower limbs

Abdominal or inguinal hernia

Precautions when using the

After trauma or a recent operation

(less than 6 months)

Muscular atrophy

Persistent pains

Need for muscular rehabilitation

Osteosynthesis equipment

The presence of osteosynthesis
equipment (metallic equipment in
contact with the bone: pins,

screws, plates, prostheses, etc.) is not a
contra-indication for the use of Compex
programmes. The electrical current of the
Compex is specially designed to have no
harmful effect with regard to
osteosynthesis equipment.


n all of the above cases, you are ad-

vised to:

never use the Compex for prolon-

ged periods without medical advice;

consult your doctor if you are in

any doubt whatsoever;

read this manual carefully, in parti-

cular chapter VI, which provides in-
formation concerning the effects and
indications of each stimulation pro-

2. Safety measures

What you should not do with
the Compex

Do not use the Compex in water or

in a humid atmosphere (sauna,
hydrotherapy, etc.).

Never carry out an initial stimula-

tion session on a person who is
standing. The first five minutes of sti-
mulation must always be performed
on a person who is sitting or lying
down. In rare instances, very highly
strung people may have a vagal reac-
tion. This is of psychological origin
and is connected with a fear of the
muscle stimulation as well as surprise
at seeing one of their muscles
contract without having intentionally
contracted it themselves. This vagal
reaction produces a feeling of weak-
ness with a fainting tendency, slo-
wing down of the heartrate and a
reduction in arterial blood pressure.
If this does occur, all that is required
is to stop the stimulation and lie
down with the legs raised for the
time it takes for the feeling of weak-
ness to disappear (5 to 10 minutes).

Never allow movement resulting

from muscular contraction during a
stimulation session. You should
always stimulate isometrically; this
means that the extremities of the limb
in which a muscle is being stimulated
must be firmly fixed, so as to prevent
the movement that results from

Do not use the device at less than

1.5 metres from a short-wave device,
a micro-wave device or high fre-
quency (H.F.) surgical equipment to
avoid the risk of causing skin irrita-
tions or burns under the electrodes. If
you are in any doubt about using the
Compex in close proximity to any

Manuel Sport Elite:Sport Elite 0706 31/01/08 15:16 Page 161