Brookfield R/S Coaxial Cylinder Rheometer User Manual
Page 65
Brookfi eld Engineering Labs., Inc.
Page 65
Manual No. M08-219-B1211
The test runs for 60 seconds. The BU value at the end of the time interval is recorded.
The measurement unit is the “BU”, which replaces the shear stress value on the rheometer
display. BU is calculated by multiplying the M value (permil torque) by 2. The multiplier,
which is called the BU Factor, is the default setting, but may be adjusted if necessary.
From the main menu, press the down arrow to “confi guration” and press the OK key.
Press the down arrow to “BU Factor” and press the OK key.
Using the left/right arrow keys, move the cursor to the digit to be changed.
Use the up/down keys to adjust the digit.
When the BU Factor is adjusted, press the OK key to accept the entry.
The test program may be put into the instrument memory as described in Section VI.6.2: Edit
Programs. The entries are:
Program by RPM
Start: 78
End: 78
Time: 60
MP (measurement point): 5
The last reading taken is the value used for the test.
Once the program is entered, it may be used repeatedly by selecting “Run Program” from the
main menu, as described in Section VI.5.3: Run Program.
C.1 Adjusting the BU Factor
C.2 Test