Brookfield R/S Coaxial Cylinder Rheometer User Manual
Page 49
Brookfi eld Engineering Labs., Inc.
Page 49
Manual No. M08-219-B1211
Select desired language and press the
key. The selected language will be preserved in the
instrument even after it is switched off.
VI.7.7 Confi guration
→ Service
These functions are for service personnel only. Password-protected!
VI.8 Serial Data Transfer via the RS-232 Interface
Serial data transfer should only be done when the user of the rheometer has basic knowledge
of data processing and is capable of changing the data transfer parameters on the sending and
receiving sides.
Data can only be transferred successfully when the transmitter (R/S+ Rheometer) and receiver
(e.g. a PC) fulfi ll the following requirements:
The instruments are properly connected by the interface cable which is delivered with the
instrument. Caution: Both instruments must be switched off while the connection is
made! (see Appendix A.3: Pin Assignment of the Serial Data Cable).
The transmitter (R/S+ Rheometer) and the receiver are set to identical data transfer parameters
(for R/S+ Rheometer, see Section VI.7.5: Set RS-232 Parameters).
The receiver has enough computing and memory capacity to receive or store the data.
The following example demonstrates reception by means of the terminal program under
Microsoft™ Windows.
Switch the rheometer and the PC off.
Connect the rheometer (RS232 connector port at the back side of the instrument) to a free
serial interface (e.g. COM2) of the PC. Use the cable supplied by Brookfi eld.
Switch the PC and the rheometer on.
Set the data transfer parameters at the rheometer (see Section VI.7.5: Confi guration
232 Parameters). Here: Standard setting 4800 Baud, Parity n, Stopbit 1, Databits 8.
Select the RS-232 interface as the output device of the rheometer (see Section VI.7.1:
Confi guration
Set Output Mode).
Open the “Windows Accessories” program on the PC.
Start the “Terminal” program.
Select the menu level “Settings”
→“Data transfer.”
A window will appear where you can set the data transfer parameters:
Select from “Connection” the COM-port to which the rheometer is connected.
Set “Baud rate” to “4800”.
Set “Databits” to “8”.
Set “Stopbits” to “1”.
Set “Parity” to “No parity”.
Set “Protocol” to “No protocol”.
Deactivate “Parity check” check box (if crossed).