Brookfield R/S Coaxial Cylinder Rheometer User Manual
Page 35
Brookfi eld Engineering Labs., Inc.
Page 35
Manual No. M08-219-B1211
If the
key is used to select the program (in this example, the program named “Test”), this
operation is followed by the option to enter an ID (identifi cation name for the measurement, a
maximum 15 characters of alphanumeric input can be used, see Section VI.4.).
Input measuring id
ID-number: 125
ID: OIL2000 040596
identifi cation
Automatically incre-
ment at every measure-
Next, the rheometer will indicate where the measure points will be written to.
Output of MPs to:
- Printer
- memory
< >menu
Start a measurement by pressing the ST key or return back to the main menu with the
In the above example, the measurement points will be saved to memory and printed to the printer
connected to the rheometer. Options for output devices include a printer, the RS232 serial
interface or no output device. In Section VI.7.1: Confi guration
→ Output Mode, this is described
in detail.
If the memory is full, you should consider cancelling the “Program measurement” function, printing
the data from the memory or sending it to a PC (see Section VI.6.5: Utilities
→ Print Memory”)
and then clearing the data from the memory (see Section VI.6.6: Utilities Clear Memory).
Measurements can be taken with the memory full but the results will only be shown on the LCD
and will be lost after completion of the measurement. If you try to send results to a printer and
it is not connected or has no paper in it, an error message will be displayed until the printer is
connected and operational or until you stop the activity.
When you start the measurement, the instrument shows:
Program running...
Wait for 1.MP