Show ip rtp header-compression – Cisco 3825 User Manual
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Cisco 3825 Mobile Wireless Edge Router Software Configuration Guide
Appendix A Cisco 3825 Mobile Wireless Edge Router RAN-O Command Reference
show ip rtp header-compression
show ip rtp header-compression
To show Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) header compression statistics, use the show ip rtp
header-compression privileged EXEC command.
show ip rtp header-compression [type number] [detail]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The detail keyword is not available with the show ip rtp header-compression command on a Route
Switch Processor (RSP). However, the detail keyword is available with the show ip rtp
header-compression command on a Versatile Interface Processor (VIP). Enter the show ip rtp
header-compression type number detail command on a VIP to retrieve detailed information about RTP
header compression on a specific interface.
The following is sample output from the show ip rtp header-compression command:
Router# show ip rtp header-compression
RTP/UDP/IP header compression statistics:
Interface Multilink1 (compression off, IETF, RTP)
Rcvd: 0 total, 0 compressed, 0 errors
0 dropped, 0 buffer copies, 0 buffer failures
Sent: 430 total 429 compressed
15122 bytes saved, 0 bytes sent
0 efficiency improvement factor
Connect: 16 rx slots, 16 tx slots, 0 long searches, 1 misses
99% hit ratio, five minute miss rate 0 misses/sec, 0 max.
type number
(Optional) Interface type and number.
(Optional) Displays details of each connection.
This keyword is not supported on the Cisco 3825 router.
This command was introduced.
The command output was modified to include information related to the
Distributed Compressed Real-Time Transport Protocol (dCRTP) feature.
This command was incorporated.
This command was incorporated.
This command was incorporated.
This command was incorporated.