Dynon Avionics SkyView System Installation Guide User Manual

Page 88

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SV-D700 / SV-D1000 / SV-D1000T Installation and Configuration


SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision S

POS devices provide only positional information. These are generally simple GPS receivers
which cannot do flight planning. They provide source data for the moving map, synthetic
vision, and the clock in the Top Bar. Note that a POS device does not provide any data for
the HSI and will not appear in the HSI NAVSRC rotation.
An example POS device is the Dynon

Input Function Considerations and Priorities

Dynon’s Moving Map Page uses POS and GPS sources for its data. Regardless of the number of
data sources in your system, this page prioritizes these sources and fails over to them as

POS 1 GPS 1GPS 2GPS 3GPS 4POS 2POS 3POS 4

For example, if your system has one SV-GPS-250 configured as POS 1 and a Garmin 396
configured as GPS 1, the Moving Map will always use the SV-GPS-250 as its primary data source.
If the SV-GPS-250 fails or you configure its input function to NONE, the Moving Map Page will
use the Garmin 396 (or other GPS source) configured as GPS 1 as its primary data source.

The SkyView HSI uses GPS and NAV sources for its overlays and the user must choose the
source during operation.

SkyView’s internal Navigation Mapping Software can generate navigation
information which can be displayed on the HSI. The Navigation Mapping Software
requires GPS position information, which is sourced from the active (highest
priority in the above list) POS or GPS source. Regardless of what source is being
used for position information, the navigation provided by the Navigation Mapping
Software is always the SKYVIEW source on the HSI.

Baud Rate

Set this to match the baud rate of the serial device that is connected to the serial port. SkyView
supports the following baud rates: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200.

Note that if you use a serial port for a split function (e.g., GPS in and altitude encoder out), the
input and output devices must use the same baud rate.

Output Device

Set output device to the data format the serial device should expect from the SkyView display
(e.g., ICARUS (10ft)).

Example SkyView Serial Port Configuration for Icarus-Compatible Transponder

This example assumes that an Icarus format compatible transponder has been installed on
serial port 1.

1. Enter the Serial Port 1 Setup Menu (SETUP MENU > SYSTEM SETUP > SERIAL PORT SETUP >


2. Set serial 1 input device to NONE (SERIAL 1 IN DEVICE: NONE).
3. Set serial 1 in function to NONE (SERIAL 1 IN FUNCTION: NONE).