Ems screen layout editor -72, E ems screen layout editor – Dynon Avionics SkyView System Installation Guide User Manual

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SV-EMS-220/221 Installation and Configuration


SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision S

message will show up in the message box on the Main Menu.

EMS Screen Layout Editor

Dynon offers preconfigured Engine Page layouts that support popular engine
sensor installations. Check our website at

All sensor mapping, settings, and widget graphical properties are automatically
shared between displays. Installers do not need to transfer files between displays.

Use this wizard to configure the style and layout of the engine and environmental sensor
gauges and calculated parameters (e.g., % power) on the 100%, 50%, and 20% Engine Pages.
Note that sensors must be defined, mapped, and configured in order to show up on an Engine
Page (reference the EMS Sensor Definitions, Mapping, and Settings Section of this guide for
instructions on how to do this).

To use this tool, enter the wizard (SETUP MENU > EMS SETUP > SCREEN LAYOUT EDITOR), then
choose the page size to edit. Once in the Screen Layout Editor, follow this procedure:

1. Add a sensor or info widget to the screen. Press either SENSOR or INFO to show their

respective menus and scroll through available sensors or info parameters, highlight one,
and then press ACCEPT or move either joystick to the right to add it to the screen.

2. Change the style of the widget. Press STYLE or turn the joystick until the widget’s style is


3. Change the size of the widget. Press SIZE until the widget’s size is acceptable.
4. Change the location of the widget on the screen. Move the CURSR joystick in up, down,

right, and left directions until the location is acceptable. Hold the joystick in those
movement positions for accelerated widget movement.

5. Repeat the above steps for all sensors that you want displayed on the Engine Page.
6. Save the page by pressing SAVE.

Press REMOVE to remove the chosen widget from the screen. Press CANCEL to return to the
EMS Setup Menu without saving any changes.

Example widget configuration

This example configures an oil temperature widget using the instructions mentioned above.
This is the same oil temperature sensor that was configured earlier (see Example Oil
Temperature Sensor Setup).

Open the Screen Layout Editor for the 100% page (SETUP MENU > EMS SETUP > SCREEN
LAYOUT EDITOR > 100% PAGE…). Now press SENSOR, scroll to the OIL TEMPERATURE sensor,
and press ACCEPT. The following widget shows up on the middle on the screen: