How to access display hardware information -25, Serial port configuration -25 – Dynon Avionics SkyView System Installation Guide User Manual

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SV-D700 / SV-D1000 / SV-D1000T Installation and Configuration

SkyView System Installation Guide – Revision S


How to Access Display Hardware Information

Enter the Display Hardware Information Page (SETUP MENU > LOCAL DISPLAY SETUP > DISPLAY
HARDWARE INFORMATION) to access important display hardware information. This menu
contains status information only—nothing on it is configurable. Reference the Operation
Section of this guide for more information about this menu.

Serial Port Configuration

Reference serial device documentation for serial communication specifications.

SkyView serial ports are configured in the Serial Port Setup Menu (SETUP MENU > SYSTEM
SETUP > SERIAL PORT SETUP). SkyView serial ports have four parameters that must be defined:

Input Device

Input Function

Baud Rate

Output Device

Note that sometimes a parameter will be defined as NONE on the screen. For
example, when a serial port is configured as only an output, the input device and
input function will both be set to NONE.

Input Device

Set the input device to the data format the SkyView display should expect from an input device.
The configurable options list contains equipment by brand and model and also generic data
formats such as NMEA and aviation. NMEA is the standard format for most GPS units (including
the SV-GPS-250). Aviation is used by some Garmin and Bendix/King panel mount equipment. If
your specific equipment is listed by brand and model, we recommend you configure SkyView to
use this option instead of a generic data format.

If you have any ARINC-429 devices, these are configured separately. See the SV-ARINC-429
Installation and Configuration
Section of this guide for more information.

Input Function

SkyView has several options for input functions: NONE, GPS, NAV, or POS. Set the device’s input
function to NONE if it does not have an input function.

GPS devices provide GPS position and navigational information. These devices are generally
"moving maps" that depict airports, airspaces, etc., and can generate flight plans. They
provide source data for the moving map, HSI, autopilot, synthetic vision, and the clock in
the Top Bar. An example GPS device is a Garmin X96.

NAV devices provide radio-based navigational information from a VOR or ILS. They provide
source data for the HSI and autopilot. SkyView currently supports only the Garmin SL30 NAV