Instructions for continued airworthiness -7, Annual backup battery test -7 – Dynon Avionics SkyView System Installation Guide User Manual

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Appendix A: Maintenance and Troubleshooting

SkyView System Installation Guide – Revision S


Button and Joystick States

The state of each button is shown on the BUTTON STATE line. You will see 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 on the
line. When you press a button, its respective number on the button state line is replaced with
an asterisk (*). For example, if you press and hold button 3, you will see 1 2 * 4 5 6 7 8.

The state of each joystick is shown on the JOYSTICK STATE line. Each joystick is denoted with an
L or R (left or right, respectively), a counter to show joystick turns, and the letters UDLRC to
denote moving the joystick Up, Down, Left, Right, and Center (when pressed like a button).

Operational Hours

This is a running count of the hours a screen has been on since was initially manufactured.

Instructions for Continued Airworthiness

Follow these steps for continued airworthiness:

Conduct any periodic checks that are mandated by local regulations (IE, FAA for US Aircraft).
If this includes a pitot/static test, ensure that the procedure at the end of the SV-ADAHRS-
200/201 Installation and Configuration section of this guide are followed.

Annually test the optional backup battery (SV-BAT-320).

Any other issues should be addressed on an as-needed basis.

Annual Backup Battery Test

(Assumes an Initial Backup Battery Test has been performed.)

After one year has passed since a successful Initial Backup Battery Test,
SkyView will display a Yellow Battery icon and a Caution BATTERY TEST

NEEDED will appear in the Alerts section.

An Annual Backup Battery Test should be performed on each battery annually to ensure each
backup battery in the SkyView system is fully functional. A fully charged SV-BAT-320 should
power a typical SkyView system for at least 60 minutes if primary power is lost.

If the SkyView system has more than one display with a backup battery installed, perform the
test for each display individually. Power off all but one display during the test.

Annual Backup Battery Test

Perform this test to ensure each backup battery in the SkyView system is fully functional. A fully
charged SV-BAT-320 should power a typical SkyView system for at least 60 minutes if primary
power is lost.

If the SkyView system has more than one display with a backup battery installed, perform the
test for each display individually. Power off all but one display during the test.