Dynon Avionics SkyView System Installation Guide User Manual
Page 214
Autopilot Servo Installation, Configuration, and Calibration
SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision S
1. Go to the Autopilot Flight Director Adjust Page (SETUP MENU > AUTOPILOT SETUP >
3. Press ACCEPT to save the value or press CANCEL to return to the Autopilot Setup Menu.
Roll Axis Configuration
Roll Axis Torque
The roll axis torque parameter specifies how much torque the servo will exert before slipping.
Servo slip is indicated by the word SLIP in black letters in a yellow box on the Top Bar for the roll
axis as shown in Figure 68.
Figure 68 – Example Roll Axis Servo Slip Warning
Torque must be set high enough to prevent any slip due to air loads, but low enough that the
pilot can comfortably override the autopilot should the need arise. If the servo slips
continuously, the autopilot cannot fly the aircraft. Torque is specified in percent (%) of
maximum the servo is capable of exerting. The minimum is 10%, the maximum is 100%, and the
default value is 100%. If you can override the servo at 100% torque, use this default value.
To test roll axis servo override force:
1. Return to the Main Menu.
2. Center the aircraft controls.
3. Enter the Autopilot Menu (MAIN MENU > AUTOPILOT).
4. Press the LEVEL button to engage the autopilot.
Now, take the controls and override the servo by moving to either roll left or roll right. Ensure
that you are comfortable with the amount of force it takes to override the servo. If you are not,
decrease the roll servo torque value by 10% and repeat the test.
Pitch Axis Configuration
Pitch Axis Torque
The pitch axis torque parameter specifies how much torque the pitch servo will exert before
slipping. Servo slip is indicated by the word SLIP in black letters in a yellow box on the Top Bar
for the pitch axis as shown in Figure 69.
Figure 69 – Example Pitch Axis Servo Slip Warning
Torque must be set high enough to prevent any slip due to air loads, but low enough that the
pilot can override the autopilot should the need arise. If the servo slips continuously, the
autopilot cannot fly the aircraft. Torque is specified in percent (%) of maximum the servo is