B&C Technologies DI-325 Industrial User Manual

Page 46

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4.1 Status line with temperature

As explained above, the status line with temperature may look like:

24 / 75 °C Drying

The symbol means that heating is active. The machine is warming up to reach or maintain

the adjusted temperature. If the software temperature controller decides that heating should be off,

the ‘+’ symbol will disappear and the symbol will be replaced by a symbol, indicating that the
heater output is off. If the heater output is on, the yellow LED will also be on (see chapter 4.4).

The 24 / 75 °C string indicates the current temperature and goal temperature. In this

example, the current temperature is 24 °C and the goal temperature is 75 °C. In this example the
temperature is displayed in degrees Celsius. It’s also possible to use Fahrenheit units. This is
adjustable with machine parameter 1 (see chapter ‘Machine parameters’).

The last text in the line indicates which step in the drying cycle is active. In this example,

the drying step is active. When the drying step is completed the dryer will switch to cool-down
mode, and the text ‘Drying’ will be replaced by ‘Cooling down’.

If the machine is running on ‘automatic drying’ with a double temperature sensor, an infra-

red sensor or a humidity sensor, the text ‘ Drying’ will be toggled with the current automatic drying
value. Automatic drying means that the current drying method in the program parameters is set to
‘Auto’. If so, the controller will continuously check if the current batch is dry. To determine this, it
will use a second temperature sensor, an infra-red sensor or a humidity sensor, which ever one is

4.1.1 Status line with 2 temperature sensors

If 2 temperature sensors are present (and set in the machine configuration), the 2



will be placed in the inlet of hot air. The 2


temperature sensor is then used in conjunction with

program parameter 8 to determine if the current batch is dry. If a 2


temperature is present, the

maximum inlet temperature can also be set in the machine parameters (see chapter 6.4.3, parameter
40). This maximum inlet temperature can be used to control the temperature of the air going inside
the drum, so delicate materials can be protected. If a 2


temperature sensor is present, the 2



may look like:

24 / 75 °C

114 °C

The value on the right is the current temperature measured by the 2


temperature sensor in

the inlet of the drum.

4.1.2 Status line with infra-red sensor

If an infra-red sensor is present (and set in the machine configuration), the infra-red sensor

will be placed so that it is looking at the pieces in the drum. The infra-red sensor will measure the
temperature of the pieces in the drum and use this temperature in conjunction with program
parameter 9 to determine if the batch is dry. If an infra-red sensor is present, the 2


line may look


24 / 75 °C

63 °C

The value on the right is the current temperature measured by the infra-red sensor, so should

be the actual temperature of the pieces in the drum.