B&C Technologies DI-325 Industrial User Manual
Page 42

NOTE: A pre-defined drying program or a single cycle program can only be chosen if there is no
active drying cycle, a cool-down cycle or when a program is finished but there is still a
batch inside the machine. In practice this means that this button only works if the machine
is in the ‘ready to start’ state.
5. Start button
This button is used to (re)start the machine and to reset alarm messages. If an alarm is
active, and the cause of the alarm has been solved, the alarm can be reset by pushing this button.
This button is also used to start the machine after selecting a program (see chapter 5.2) or to restart
the machine after a temporary stop (see chapter 5.3).
6. Stop button
This button is used to stop a program cycle. If the machine is running a cycle, and this
button is pushed once, the dryer will stop and the message ‘Waiting for cycle restart’ will be
displayed. If the start button is pushed in this situation (see item 5), the cycle will restart. If the stop
button is pushed once again, the current program cycle will be interrupted and the machine will go
back to the ‘ready to start’ situation again and a complete new program cycle can be started.
The stop button is also used to silence the beeper in case of an alarm. From the moment an
alarm is activated, the beeper will start beeping every second. To silence the beeper while working
on the machine to solve the cause of the alarm, push the stop button once.
7. Arrow buttons
These buttons can be used to scroll through a list of, for example, menu-items. If the buttons
can be used in a screen, this will be indicated with an icon. If a list is in the screen, and it’s possible
to both moves up and down in the list, the
icon will be displayed. If it is only possible to use the
down button (for example, when the current item is the first item in the list), the
icon will be
displayed. If it is only possible to use the up button (for example, when the current item is the last
item in the list), the
icon will be displayed.
In many cases these buttons can also be used in combination with the SHIFT button (see
item 10). If the arrow buttons are used in combination with this button, the selection will move to
the first or last item instead of moving to the next or previous item.
8. Plus and minus buttons
These buttons can be used to increase or decrease an adjustable value, like a parameter. If
the buttons can be used in a screen, this will be indicated with an icon. If a value is in the screen,
and it’s possible to use both the plus and minus buttons, the
icon will be displayed. If it is only
possible to use the plus button (for example when a value has reached the maximum allowed limit),
icon will be displayed. If it is only possible to use the minus button (for example when a
value has reached the minimum allowed limit), the
icon will be displayed.
In many cases these buttons can also be used in combination with the SHIFT button (see
item 10). If the plus and minus buttons are used in combination with this button, a value will
increase or decrease with a higher value instead of 1.
9. Enter and clear button
Pushing this button without the SHIFT button (see item 10) means ‘Enter’. If the button is
pushed in combination with the SHIFT button (see item 10), is has a ‘Clear’ function.