Obtaining and loading an x.509 certificate, Obtaining and loading an x.509 certificate -6 – Carrier Access Multi-Service Router (MSR) Card MSR/Adit 3K GUI User Manual
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Adit 3000 (Rel. 1.6) and MSR Card (Rel 2.0) GUI
Obtaining and Loading an X.509 Certificate
To obtain an X509 certificate, you must ask a CA to issue you one. You provide your public key, proof
that you possess the corresponding private key, and some specific information about yourself. You then
digitally sign the information and send the whole package (the certificate request) to the CA. The CA
then performs some due diligence in verifying that the information you provided is correct and, if so,
generates the certificate and returns it.
You might think of an X509 certificate as looking like a standard paper certificate with a public key
taped to it. It has your name and some information about you on it, plus the signature of the person who
issued it to you.
To obtain and load an X.509 certificate:
1. Select Advanced/ Certificates.