Carrier Access Multi-Service Router (MSR) Card MSR/Adit 3K GUI User Manual

Page 142

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Adit 3000 (Rel. 1.6) and MSR Card (Rel 2.0) GUI

Network Connections

New Connection

Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol over DS0 (Multilink)

Multilink creates a connection to the Internet using a MLPPP tunnel over HDLC. This configuration
creates a Multilink 1 connection listed on the Network Connections table. This connection can be
enabled, disabled, modified, and deleted.


For the Adit MSR, cross-connects from Adit 600 resources (T1 lines or WAN-capable

cards) must be made before setting up the WAN link. All DS0s cross-connected to the WAN
link must be of type "Data." Use the connect (msr) command from the Adit 600 controller to
cross-connect resources to the MSR card. See the Adit 600 User Manual for more

1. Select Network Connections/New Connection.
2. Select Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol over DS0 (Multilink), then select Next >.
3. Add a Login User Name and Password for this Multilink connection.
4. Select the Connections to be used for this WAN:

Adit 3000: Select the T1s and specify the channel range for each T1.
Adit MSR: Select the LCCs.