Ospf configuration on the network connection, Ospf configuration on the network connection -40 – Carrier Access Multi-Service Router (MSR) Card MSR/Adit 3K GUI User Manual

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Adit 3000 (Rel. 1.6) and MSR Card (Rel 2.0) GUI

Network Connections

OSPF Configuration on the Network Connection

OSPF Configuration on the Network Connection

OSPF can be set as the routing protocol on the following network connections:

Ethernet 1
Ethernet 2


The following example uses the Ethernet 1 network connection. Configuration is the

same for the Ethernet 2, Serial 1, and Multilink connections.

To configure OSPF on a network connection:

1. Select Network Connections, and select the Ethernet 1 connection name to open the Ethernet

1 Properties window.

2. Select the Settings button.