0 using irev, 1 installing and starting the program, 2 saving and opening files – Rice Lake 920i USB Installation Manual V5.05 User Manual
Page 66: 3 hardware configuration, Using irev

920i Installation Manual
Using iRev
The iRev 4 utility provides a suite of functions used to
support configuration, calibration, customization, and
backup of the 920i software. Hardware and software
configuration, 920i display setup for up to ten screen
designs, stream and ticket formatting, setpoint
configuration, database management, and iRite program
editing are all supported by iRev 4.
Calibration values, scale, setpoint, and display
configuration, database tables, and user programs, can
be both saved and restored to the 920i using iRev 4. (See
Secti on 4 . 4 o n p a g e 5 8 for iRev 4 calibrati on
Other supporting applications provided with iRev 4
The iRev 4 Editor provides a basic editor and a
compiler for writing iRite applications.
The Rice Lake Web Update utility uses your
internet connection to check for and download
updates to the iRev 4 and 920i software.
The iLaunch utility can be installed to display a
set of icons used for convenient startup of iRev 4
and its supporting applications, including the
Help system.
If using
1, use iRev 3. If using iQUBE
or no
, use
iRev 4.
Hardware and Software Requirements
M i n i m u m s y s t e m r e q u i r e m e n t s : 1 6 6 M H z ,
x86-compatible, with 32MB RAM (64MB for NT4/
2000), 40MB disk space. Recommended system: 233
MHz, x86-compatible or greater, with 64MB RAM, 40
MB disk space.
iRev 4 runs on most Windows
operating systems,
including Windows 95 (original release), Windows 95
OSR2, Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, Windows ME,
Windows NT 4.0 (SP4 or greater), Windows 2000,
Windows XP (Home or Professional), and Windows
When used with the original release of Windows 95,
iRev 4 requires an updated version of TAPI. The TAPI
update is included on the iRev 4 installation CD and is
a v a i l a b l e f r o m t h e R LW S w e b s i t e a t
Internet Explorer
(IE) 4.0 or greater is required to use
the iRev 4 help system. IE is included on the iRev 4
installation CD or is available for download from
Installing and Starting the Program
i R e v 4 i s i n s t a l l e d u s i n g a s t a n d a r d Wi n d o w s
installation procedure. iRev 4 applications and support
files are installed in a directory named iRev; icons for
the iRev 4 application, the iRev 4 Editor, Uninstall
the Rice Lake Web Update utility are placed in the
Windows Start menu.
Saving and Opening Files
Files are stored with the .920 extension. To save a file,
1. From the File menu, select
Save As...
2. Navigate to the desired save location and click
To open a saved file in iRev 4,
1. Locate and double-click the file.
Or, from iRev 4’s File menu, select
Then, navigate to and select the desired file.
To open a saved file in
iRev 3
(for use with
1. Launch
iRev 3
2. From the File menu, select
3. Navigate to and select the desired file.
Hardware Configuration
When iRev 4 is started, the Hardware Configuration
display is shown (Figure 5-1). This display is used to
create a virtual hardware configuration for your
indicator by dragging and dropping icons for the
supported option cards into the empty slots on the
d i s p l a y. T h e s l o t s s h o w n o n t h e H a r d w a r e
Configuration display represent the two option card
slots on the 920i CPU board (above) and up to twelve
slots on attached expansion boards (slots 3–8 at left,
9–14 at right).
Figure 5-1. iRev 4 Hardware Configuration Display