3 r29 – Kontron AM4901 IPMI User Manual
Page 89
IPMI Firmware User Guide
ID: 1035-8760, Rev. 3.0
Page 89
It is suggested to use only up-to-date IPMI versions and to set bit 20. In that case special
Hot Swap events ("Backend Power Failure" and "Backend Power Shut Down") will be
processed at any time as well. This behavior is e.g. needed to invoke a module shut down
after a simple payload OS shutdown. When the module's MMC detects a manual OS
shutdown the "Backend Power Shut Down" will be simulated to force a module shutdown.
11. E-keying for SATA port 3 in an OM6060 system fails because of an error in the match
finder. A solution should be available with R29.
1. The firmware now comes in three variants. They all are named “…AM4901…” but are still
common for both the AM4901 and the AM5901:
• IPMI_AM4901_FULL_Rxx.bin. This is the full firmware including boot block and ap-
plication of version Rxx. It must be initially programmed using, for example, the tool
'lpcFlash' at the serial management interface.
• IPMI_AM4901_FWUM_Rxx.bin. This is the application firmware for upgrade of an al-
ready programmed firmware in binary format. The tool 'ipmitool fwum …' is suitable
for upgrading this firmware.
• IPMI_AM4901_FWUM_Rxx.hpm. This is the application firmware for upgrade of an
already programmed firmware in HPM.1 format. The tool 'ipmitool hpm …' is suitable
for upgrading this firmware.
2. Upgrade is now possible during full operation in the field. The communication for the up-
grade may be done:
• Via IPMB using a processor AMC with KCS interface in the rack
• Via Ethernet using the management port
3. The Ethernet management port is now operable. This allows a higher level access to the
IPMI system from a remote system e.g. using 'ipmitool'. This may avoid running 'ipmitool'
on a processor AMC in the rack. The MAC address for the management port is automat-
ically taken from the CM FRU data if it is defined there.
4. The CLI commands 'lan set 1 …' and 'lan print 1' allow the set up of all basic LAN param-
eters for the Ethernet management port. Settable parameters are MAC address, IP ad-
dress, net mask and access state.
5. Now a non-Kontron uTCA standard rack will be managed if it includes or emulates a stan-
dard Power Module which is addressed by a single IPMB address. Please note that a
standard Cooling Unit is not yet supported.
6. The CLI command 'showerror' now shows errors in detail.
7. Four slot racks are not supported.
8. When using a standard power module, the option “permanent power” is not supported
(e.g. the cli command “pwr” is not supported).
9. After having changed the current mode (e.g. cli command “currentopts”), the MCH must
be reset (cli command “rs”) or the MCH must be deactivated and then reactivated.