Basic installation and upgrade of the mch firmware, 1 basic installation – Kontron AM4901 IPMI User Manual
Page 84
IPMI Firmware User Guide
Page 84
ID: 1035-8760, Rev. 3.0
Basic Installation and Upgrade of the MCH
The firmware from version R29 on comes in three variants. They all are currently named
“…AM4901…”, but they are still common for both the AM4901 and the AM5901 MCH modules:
1. FW_IPMI_AM4901_FULL_Rxx.bin. This is the full firmware including boot block and ap-
plication of version Rxx. It must be initially programmed during a basic installation using,
for example, the tool 'lpcFlash' at the serial management interface.
2. FW_IPMI_AM4901_FWUM_Rxx.bin. This is the application firmware for upgrade of an
already programmed firmware in binary format. The tool 'ipmitool' and its command
'ipmitool fwum …' is suitable for upgrading this firmware.
3. FW_IPMI_AM4901_FWUM_Rxx.hpm. This is the application firmware for upgrade of an
already programmed firmware (1) in HPM.1 format. The tool 'ipmitool' and its command
'ipmitool hpm …' is suitable for upgrading this firmware.
Basic Installation
A basic installation of an MCH Firmware is possible for both MCH types AM4901 and AM5901.
It is accomplished under Linux® via the utility program "lpcflash" which requires Root user
rights. This requires a serial connection between the source computer and the MCH front panel
serial interface. A basic installation is required:
• For the first firmware installation during manufacturing
• If important changes require it (e.g. upgrade from R29 to R30 or later)
• Always for an MCH of type AM4901.
Initiating the download process for basic installation can be done by issuing, for example, the
In the above example, the serial interface “/dev/ttyS0 (-s 0)” of the source computer is used for
the data transfer. This interface may not be used concurrently with the terminal program that is
being used to interface with the CLI. The terminal program must be terminated before starting
the Firmware download. The download transfer baud rate is 115200 baud, and the CLI baud
rate should be set to 9600 baud once the Firmware download is completed. In the example the
Firmware to be downloaded is located in the file “FW_IPMI_AM4901_FULL_Rxx.bin”.
Prior to starting “lpcFlash”, switch 2 of SW3 on the AM4901 or SW2 on the AM5901 respective-
ly must be set to OFF. Once the download is completed, this switch must be set to ON again.
If the MCH is to be installed in a rack of type OM6060 or OM6040D and the Ethernet manage-
ment port is to be used, please disable the Management Ethernet port. Refer to chapter "11.
Peculiarities and Restrictions for Releases" for R31.
If Firmware has been previously installed, then it is not necessary to change the switch settings
prior to downloading. In this case instead, the CLI command “upon” can be issued to the MCH
and the terminal program terminated prior to starting “lpcFlash”. Once the download is complet-
ed, the terminal program can be restarted.
sudo lpcFlash -m am4901 -s 0 -b 115200 -e 9600