Testing power tools, Non-impact tools, Warning – CDI Torque MULTITEST Government User Manual
Page 53

Using the MULTITEST Torque Calbration System
Testing Power Tools
The dynamic torque characteristic of a power tool and the static
torque applied when using a wrench usually result in different
torque readings. Spinning electric and pneumatic motor
armatures contain inertia that produces a higher torque reading
than what is actually absorbed by a practical fastener. The
difference is also due to individual fastener installation
characteristics that exhibit anywhere from a gradually increasing
run-down torque, (soft-joint) to a free speed, sudden dead stop,
(hard-joint). The way in which a particular operator responds to
the tool’s reaction forces can also be reflected in the resulting
torque measurements.
A joint rate simulator is required when testing a power tool to
allow start-up rotation of the tool’s armature. The simulator is
experimentally adjusted to replicate the average joint hardness
of the intended work. Joint rate simulators that may be used
with transducers ranging from 50 in lb to 1000 in lb are:
• 50 in lb max, 1/4" internal square drive for use on 2000-6-02
transducer, part number 900-0,
• 400 in lb max, for use on 2000-7-02 transducer, part number
900-2-0, or
• 1000 in lb max, for use on 2000-8-02 transducer, part number
Be sure to operate any pneumatic or electrical power
tool according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Non-Impact Tools
Be sure the MULTITEST transducer is capable of handling the
intended torque to avoid damaging transducer. Always operate
the system with the power on.
Do not use this equipment with the power off.
Always turn on the indicator and loader so the
torque and load values are indicated on the display.
The safety relays only work when the power is on.
1. To program the MULTITEST Indicator, refer to Chapter
3–Set Up and Programming in this manual. Use SET
HIGH and SET LOW limit alert, data STORE, display
CLEAR, printer SEND and STATistical analysis features.
2. Press UNIT to select the desired engineering unit of
measure as displayed on the LCD display. It is easiest
to match that of the tool under test.