Uninstalling acronis vmprotect 9, 3 uninstalling acronis vmprotect 9 – Acronis Backup for VMware 9 - User Guide User Manual

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Details. The label length is limited to 16 characters due to file system restrictions.

To select a locally attached storage as a backup destination

When creating a backup task expand the Local Folders item and choose the locally attached storage
drive, for example D:\.

The same procedure applies to File recovery and other operations with the backups.

4.3 Uninstalling Acronis vmProtect 9

To uninstall Acronis vmProtect 9 Windows Agent, use the default Add or Remove Programs tool of

To uninstall Acronis vmProtect 9 Virtual Appliance, you have to manually remove the VM with the
virtual appliance from the ESX(i) host with your VMware vSphere client.