Bio-Rad Model 680 Microplate Reader Accessories User Manual

Page 19

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i. 5P



ii. 4P



iii. 5P



iv. 4P



v. 5P


vi. Sigmoid


vii. Linear regression
viii. Quadratic regression
ix. Cubic


x. Point To Point regression

The onboard software calculates the best fit of the defined curve between each set
of two consecutive data points in the standard curve of absorbance vs.
concentration. And then it generates the report with the coefficients of regression,
the correlation coefficient, and the standard error.
For readers with the optional internal printer or with an external ESC/P printer which
accepts ESC/P code, a graph of the standard curve may be generated when
selected in the report parameter.

(7) Concentration


In case of the curve fit, the Concentration report also provides the regression
analysis. After the calculation of the curve fit, it calculates the concentrations values
of the samples, and generates the report.
In case of the cutoff constant with the unit not designated "Abs" and in case of the
cutoff ratio, the reader generates the list of concentration of each well.

(8) Difference


The Difference report is the subtraction report between the neighboring columns or

(9) TeSeE Screening report

Analysis of the TeSeE screening assay results can be done with two
pre-programmed protocols: “TeSeE” protocol is stored in Endpoint Protocol
position #5 and “TeSeE eq” is stored in Endpoint Protocol position #6 as factory
default setting. Both protocols are locked.
TeSeE screening report is generated only if these protocols are selected as current
active protocol. Plate is first validated according to negative and positive controls
validation criteria; samples are then compared to the calculated cut-off.

Criteria for plate validation are set as follow:

Criteria #1:

Individual Negative Control must be < 0.150
Number of valid Negative Control must be >= 3

Criteria #2:

Individual Negative Control must be < 1.400 * Negative Control average
Number of valid Negative Control must be >= 2

Criteria #3:

Positive Control average must be >= 1.000

Cutoff is calculated as follow:

Positive cutoff


Negative Control average

+ 0.210