Bio-Rad Image Lab™ Software User Manual
Page 64

| Image Lab Software Overview
64 | Gel Doc EZ Imaging System with Image Lab Software
Edit Menu Commands
Undo undoes the last action.
Redo restores the last action after an Undo.
Screenshot enables you to take a screen shot of the Lane Profile Window, the
Standard Curve Window, or the default choice, Current Image View. The screen shot
can include the name of the image, and it can be placed on the clipboard or saved
in a file.
Default Imager enables users who own two or more imagers to switch between
Instrument Setup displays information about the instrument, including the
instrument name and serial number, camera serial number, firmware version, and
the flat field version. The available sample trays are shown with the names of
associated default protocols. The dark image time and date are displayed. From this
dialog box, you can reset the dark image and the flat field for the white sample tray.
Report Settings enables you to configure reports. This dialog box has three tabs.
All of the checkboxes are selected by default. Clear the boxes to exclude
information from reports. Your selections apply to all reports until you change them.
The General tab has options for excluding or reporting information about
your gel image.
The Lane and Band Table tab enables the researcher to choose whether to
include all lanes or selected lanes, with appropriate identifiers. Lane
profiles can also be included.
The Volume Table tab enables the researcher to choose appropriate
identifiers for the volume table and provides the option of excluding the
table from reports.
Preferences enables you to set naming and color preferences for your image files.
This dialog box has two tabs.