General precautions – Bio-Rad QX200™ AutoDG™ Droplet Digital™ PCR System User Manual
Page 6
iv | Automated Droplet Generator
General Precautions
Always wear laboratory gloves, coats, and safety glasses with side shields or goggles
Keep your hands away from your mouth, nose, and eyes
Completely protect any cut or abrasion before working with potentially infectious materials
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after working with any potentially infectious material
before leaving the laboratory
Remove wristwatches and jewelry before working at the bench
Store all infectious or potentially infectious material in unbreakable leak-proof containers
Before leaving the laboratory, remove protective clothing
Do not use a gloved hand to write, answer the telephone, turn on a light switch, or touch anything that
other people may touch without gloves
Change gloves frequently. Remove gloves immediately when they are visibly contaminated
Do not expose materials that cannot be properly decontaminated to potentially infectious material
Upon completion of the operation involving biohazardous material, decontaminate the work area with an
appropriate disinfectant (for example, a 1:10 dilution of household bleach)
No biohazardous substances are exhausted during normal operations of this instrument