ADS Environmental Services FlowAlert QR 775011 A2 User Manual
Page 5

Table of Contents
Chapter 6 Monitor Installation
Mounting the Monitor to the Manhole Wall................... 6-3
Mounting the Monitor to the Manhole Rim.................... 6-6
Mounting the Monitor to a Manhole Ladder Rung ....... 6-12
Chapter 7 Maintenance and
Maintaining the System Components ............................. 7-2
Gathering Replacement Parts and Supplies ............. 7-2
Inspecting the Monitor ............................................ 7-3
Checking the Sensor and Float Switch .................... 7-9
Checking Communication Devices ....................... 7-10
Troubleshooting ........................................................... 7-12
General Monitor Problems .................................... 7-13
General Communication Problems ........................ 7-16
General Pressure Depth Problems ......................... 7-20
General Float Switch Problems ............................. 7-21
Appendix A Specifications
ADS FlowAlert Monitor ........................................ A-1
Printed Circuit Board ............................................. A-3
Pressure Depth Sensor............................................ A-4
Float Switch ........................................................... A-5
Lightning Protection Module ................................. A-6
Appendix B Part Numbers