ADS Environmental Services FlowAlert QR 775011 A2 User Manual
Page 109

Configuration and Activation 5-5
3. Enter the new Location Name. Do not duplicate more than the
first 7 characters for multiple monitors names.
4. Enter the new location Description.
5. Select FlowAlert from the Series drop-down list.
6. Select the appropriate method of communication from the
Connect Using drop-down list.
7. Enter the monitor location Telephone Number or the IP
Address for the wireless connection.
Note: When entering an IP Address, do not include
leading zeroes in the address. For example, an IP Address
of should be entered as If
leading zeroes are included in the address, monitor
communications will not be successful.
Note: To support emailing and text messaging for alarm
notification, the address of the monitor’s SIM card must
begin with 166.219.XXX.XXX. If the address begins with
other numbers, please contact ADS Client Services to
arrange for a replacement SIM card for the monitor.
8. Enter the monitor Serial Number.
9. Enter the number of hours difference between your location (or
the location of the computer on which the database resides) and
the location of the monitor in the Time Zone field. For a
monitor in a time zone earlier than the time zone in which you
are located, enter a minus sign before the number of hours
difference. For example, if you are in the Central time zone
and the monitor is located in the Mountain time zone, select -1
from this field.
10. Select the rate at which you want the monitor to log data from
the Normal drop-down list.