12 dmc-3000 status codes, Dmc-3000 status codes -25, Ultra-cut 400 xt – Tweco 400 XT Ultra-Cut Plasma Cutting System With Automated Gas Control User Manual
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Manual 0-5306
4.12 DMC-3000 Status Codes
Status Code indicators:
1. At power up, RED & GREEN indicators flash program firmware revision number in a 2 digit code as explained below.
Following the revision code
2. Green indicator
· On steady = OK, communication established.
· Blinking = no communication established with CCM
3. Red indicator
· Off = Status OK
· Rapid blinking = downloading new program
· Blinking 2 digit code = Status (table below)
Status Indicators on the DMC & DPC modules flash a 2-part code. Both green and red flash the firmware version at power up.
Only the red flashes for a fault.
First part of the code indicates a code group, the second part a particular condition within that group. DMC and DPM may flash
codes at the same time and they may be different codes. For example, a power supply fault, such as 1-3, in the DMC could prevent
communicating with the DPM so the DPC would flash one it’s group 2 codes. You have to consider the codes in all the modules,
CCM, DMC & DPC before determining which hardware has the fault.
The 2 digit code is separated by a 1.2 second space between digits and a 4 second space before the sequence repeats or flashes
another code group. Codes displayed may be currently active or may represent a fault that shut the process down but is no longer
active. If the fault that shut down the process is no longer active the first blink of the first digit is extra long.
Example: Indicator flashes 1 long followed by 3 shorter blinks the condition is in group 4. After 1.2 seconds delay, the indicator
blinks 3 times; the condition code is 4-3 (the first long blink counts as part of the first digit), indicating the DMC has detected a
DPC time-out error and it is not currently active. After a 4 second delay, the indicator repeats the sequence until the condition
is corrected.
DMC Status Code Key
Group 1 - DMC
Plasma Disabled
Enable Plasma; Defective DMC Power Supply (E-Stop relay)
24 VDC fault
Check /replace DMC power supply fuse (F2); Replace DMC Power Supply; Replace DMC
control PCB
5 VDC fault
Check /replace DMC power supply; Replace DMC control PCB
No gas process selected
Select and send process from TSC 3000 or CNC;
DMC is locked
Process loading, wait until finished
Gas not Purged
DPC fault prevented purge from occuring, see DPC fault status
Group 2 - DPC Communication Port *
DPC Acknowledge error
Check DMC to DPC fiber optic cable and connections; Dirty or defective fiber-optic;DPC
power supply, fuse or Control PCB. DMC Control PCB
DPC Bus off error
Check DMC to DPC fiber optic cable and connections; Dirty or defective fiber-optic;DPC
power supply, fuse or Control PCB. DMC Control PCB.
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