Ultra-cut 400 xt – Tweco 400 XT Ultra-Cut Plasma Cutting System With Automated Gas Control User Manual
Page 81

Manual 0-5306
If communication is not established in step g, the pump will not strart and the gas indicator will not blink. The fault
code E501 (DMC) or E301 (DPC) will be displayed.
h) Once communication with the DFC components is established the Green power indicator on both DMC & DPC will be
on and their Red indicator will be off.
3. At power on while all the items in step 2 are going on the TSC 3000 has been starting up Windows XP™ which takes about 2
¼ minutes. Another 15 sec the application starts and displays the HOME screen.
4. Now you must select the cutting (and plasma marking) process. Refer to sections 4.05, 4.06 and 4.07 for step by step in-
structions in selecting New, Recently Used or Creating Custom Processes.
5. During process selection you will come to the “Torch Consumables” screen. At this point if you have not installed correct
consumables and “Plasma” is not already disabled, shut off (disable) the Plasma Enable SW. Install the consumables, Set
the Plasma Enable SW to “Enable”.
a) Coolant Pump starts up to prime the torch cooling system. The “Gas” indicator on the front panel blinks until correct
coolant flow is detected. Normally only a few seconds. See step 2 d and 2 e. for full details.
6. The next screen following Torch Consumables is a table of recommended CNC and THC (Torch Height Control) settings. You
may toggle between cutting and marking settings using the “Show Marking / Show Cutting” button. Set your cutting table
controller and height control to the recommended setting.
a) If you prefer other settings for cutting you can create a “Custom” process where you edit the cutting CNC/THC setting
if you want. Currently, modifying the marking CNC/THC settings is not allowed. A custom process does not have to
change the cutting current or gas pressures unless you want to. You can use customs to modify the recommended
CNC/THC settings as well.
7. Continue the process selection until you reach the Cut Monitor screen. If you have not set the Plasma Enable SW to “Enable”
do so now.
a) Purging of the gasses used for the selected process begins. Depending on your lead length and consumable type this
can take some time. While the gas purge is being performed the display will show E304 and the Gas LED will blink.
If the plasma was not enabled before this step the coolant pump will start and when the coolant flow is satisfied the
contactors will turn on. Once the gas purge is finished E304 will go away and if the the coolant flow is OK the Gas
LED stops blinking.
Purge times for different lead lengths have been set to allow time to fully pressurize the leads and to remove any coolant that
gets into the consumables during a parts change. Make sure that during setup the correct lead length has been selected,
the default time is for max lead length and may be longer than you require.
8. Once purge is complete you are ready to start cutting.
a) If marking is desired press button “Go to Marking”. The screen will show recommended CNC/THC setting. Green
arrow takes you back to the Cut Monitor set up for Marking.
b) To return to cutting on the Cut Monitor press button “Got to Cutting”. Same as with the marking this takes you to
the CNC/THC screen except this displays the cutting settings.
9. Upon applying CNC Start the fan(s) will come on and run during cutting and continue for 4 minutes after the last cut. Then
both pump and fan(s) will shut off. With CNC Start the Gas LED will come on steady indicating gas should be flowing and gas
preflow begins. Near the end of the preflow time the DC LED will come on indicating the inverters are enabled and we have
DC Voltage at the output. At the end of the cut the Gas indicator remains one for the post flow time then goes out.
10. Changing torch consumables:
Following a consumables change or inspection the system will initiate a purge of the gas. This serves two purposes:
a) Remove the coolant that gets into the consumables when they have been removed.
b) If the gas type has changed “Purge” removes the old gas from the lines and replaces it with the new gas. If the
gas type has changed from a fuel gas like H35 to an oxidizing gas like oxygen or air the purge inserts a buffer of inert
gas, nitrogen, so the H35 and oxygen don’t mix.