Metrohm tiamo 2.3 Patch 1 (process analysis) User Manual

Page 735

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5 Method

tiamo 2.3 Patch 1 (for Process Analysis)



Titration parameters
Parameters for the run of the titration.

Stop conditions
Definitions of conditions which cause the stop of the titration.

Enable/Disable the conditioning. Definition of the start drift, drift cor-
rection and stop conditions.

Additional evaluations
Definition of additional methods for the evaluation of the titration

Additional measured values
Definition of additional measured values of other measuring com-
mands which are saved as additional columns in the measuring point

Command variables
The following command variables are generated in the method run by the
command SET U and can be used in formulas under the designation
'Command name.Variable designation':




Blank value of the sensor used for the command (only
for ISE sensors)


Command status; 1 = BUSY, HOLD or ERROR; 0 =
; invalid (variable not available) = Command
has never been started


Command status; 1 = Conditioning activated, 0 =
Conditioning deactivated


Command status; 1 = Condition requirement fulfil-
, 0 = Condition requirement not fulfilled


Concentration of the solution used for the command


Cylinder volume of the exchange or dosing unit used
for the command


Total duration for the processing of the command in s


Current and/or last drift for drift correction in µL/min


Time for processing all start conditions s


Time for drift correction (time from the start of the
titration to the end of the command) in s


End measured value (measured value after processing
of the command) in the unit of the measured value