DgFlick Event Xpress User Manual
Page 29

User Manual-3.0
Page 29 of 66
‘My Designs’ window
Select the printer according to the design you are going to print. You will find a drop down menu in front of each
printer, from here you can define number of prints you want for that particular process.
If you want to print the designs instantly, check the checkbox of the printer of your choice. When you will click on
‘Done’ button, your selected designs will directed printed via selected printer. The output will be printed as per your
printer size.
If you want to share the design to the Facebook account, check the ‘Facebook’ checkbox
. You can set the
administrator’s Facebook account from ‘Set Account’ option. Once you click on ‘Set Account’ option, you will be
redirected to the Facebook login window where you will be asked to provide login details. Login from here and follow
the onscreen instructions to set your account. The output will be generated in the size provided by you in the ‘Add
Event’ window.
If you want to send the output to the customer via email, check the ‘Email’ checkbox
. The E mail ID can be given
from blank space given in front of ‘Email’ option.
All the projects are by default exported in JPG format in the size selected by you in ‘Add Event’ window.
Once you select the desired output options, proceed with ‘Done’ button
. Once your project is processed, you will
be indicated by a dialog box that your project is exported successfully.
Whenever you create an event, a folder is created for that project in the ‘My Event’ folder in Event Xpress software
All the details of event like files to be sent on email, order receipt, files to be shared on Facebook, JPG files, designs
and photos selected by you for event are stored in their respective folders.
On the ‘Select Event’ window, you can see various options like Facebook, Email and file.
These all options are interlinked and can be directly accessed through here only. The number you see in the column in
front of each project is the indication of output taken from that event.
When you click on number below Facebook option, you will be redirected to the external viewer where you will see
that the files you selected to be exported on Facebook are stored in a folder named customer Facebook in the size
chosen by you at the time of creating the project.