Rockwell Automation 2706-M1 MESSAGEVIEW 421 HARDWARE MANUAL User Manual
Page 122

Publication 2706-816 – November 1996
C –
Controller – A device that controls a MessageView terminal by
Triggering messages and providing data for display variables. See
Logic Controller, ASCII Triggering Device.
Cursor Keys – Up/down arrow keys on the MessageView terminal
Keypad that are used to move a selection cursor or the active object
indicator bar.
D –
Daughterboard – A communications card installed in a
MessageView terminal. It provides a Remote I/O port for the
Debug Mode – A way of testing the application quickly. The
MessageView terminal displays each message’s message number as
it is Triggered.
Device – Any of a number of mechanical units, such as Logic
Controllers, ASCII Input devices and computers that may be
connected to a MessageView terminal. A MessageView terminal is
itself a device.
DF1 – An Allen-Bradley communications protocol used to transfer
an application or other data between a computer and the
MessageView terminal’s RS-232 port.
Display – The window in a MessageView terminal in which
Messages appear as they are triggered. Error messages and Front
Panel Editor menus also appear there. The display is a 128 x 32
pixel vacuum fluorescent display (VFD).
Vacuum Fluorescent Display – The Display of a MessageView
Download – The process of transferring data from a computer to a
MessageView terminal. Specific download commands load an
Application in the terminal, change the date or time in the RTC, or
update Firmware.