Rockwell Automation 1329I DeviceNet Option FRN 1.XXX User Manual

Page 93

background image


input assemblies

bit definitions C-8
definition G-1
parameter B-7
selecting 3-7

Input Assembly parameter B-7

input I/O

illustrated example 5-2
mapping in the scanner 4-5

Input Status parameter B-3


applying power 2-5
commissioning the unit for DeviceNet 2-3
connecting the cover 2-4
connecting the option to the unit 2-2
connecting to the network 2-4
DeviceNet option 2-12-5
EMC Directive 89/336/EEC 2-1
Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC 2-1
preparing 2-1

IR compensation parameter B-5


labels 1-1

ladder logic programs

example for explicit messaging 6-3
example for I/O 5-3

Last Fault parameter B-3

LEDs, refer to status indicators

list of parameters B-3

Load Current parameter B-3

logic command/status

definition G-4
enabling 3-7

Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC 2-1


MAC ID, refer to node address


conventions P-1
intended audience P-1
objectives P-1
related documentation P-2

mapping the unit’s data in the scanner 4-5

mask for change of state 3-10

master/slave hierarchy G-4

Maximum Frequency parameter B-3

mechanical specifications A-1

Message Router object C-3


explicit 6-1
I/ 5-1
types C-1

Minimum Frequency parameter B-3

Motor Data object C-16

motor, refer to 1329I Integrated drive/motor

mounting the option 2-2


network control 3-7

network reference 3-8

Network Who window 3-4

node address

definition G-4
parameter B-6
setting with a parameter 3-5
setting with switches 2-3

NV Baud Rate parameter B-6

NV MAC ID parameter B-6



definition G-4
list C-1C-21

online 3-2

option, refer to DeviceNet option

output assemblies

bit definitions C-6
definition G-1
parameter B-6
selecting 3-7

Output Assembly parameter B-6

Output Current parameter B-3

Output Frequency parameter B-3

output I/O

illustrated example 5-2
mapping in the scanner 4-7

Output Voltage parameter B-3


Parameter Group object C-14

Parameter object C-12