Care and use manual, Figure 2: waters and parker ferrule types, Figure 3: proper tubing/column connection – Waters Atlantis T3, DC18 and HILIC Silica Columns User Manual

Page 3: Figure 6: single and double slipfree connectors, D. band spreading minimization, Figure 7: effect of connecting tubing on system

Care and use manual, Figure 2: waters and parker ferrule types, Figure 3: proper tubing/column connection | Figure 6: single and double slipfree connectors, D. band spreading minimization, Figure 7: effect of connecting tubing on system | Waters Atlantis T3, DC18 and HILIC Silica Columns User Manual | Page 3 / 10 Care and use manual, Figure 2: waters and parker ferrule types, Figure 3: proper tubing/column connection | Figure 6: single and double slipfree connectors, D. band spreading minimization, Figure 7: effect of connecting tubing on system | Waters Atlantis T3, DC18 and HILIC Silica Columns User Manual | Page 3 / 10