Chapter 3 menus, 8 film menus – INFICON SQC-310 Thin Film Deposition Controller User Manual

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Chapter 3



3.8 Film Menus

Each film has certain characteristics that determine how it should be deposited. The
Film Menus allow you to set parameters that regulate the deposition of each film.
These parameters apply any time this film is used (in any process).

F i l m S e l e c t M e n u

M a i n

S c r e e n

P r e v

M e n u

E d i t

P r o c e s s 1

S c r o ll f ilm s w ith k n o b .

1 3 . F ilm 1 3

1 2 . F ilm 1 2

1 1 . F ilm 1 1

1 0 . F ilm 1 0

9 . F ilm 9

8 . F ilm 8

7 . F ilm 7

6 . F ilm 6

5 . F ilm 5

4 . F ilm 4

3 . F ilm 3

2 . F ilm 2

1 . F ilm 1

D e l e t e

Main Screen

Returns to the Main Menu.


Steps back through the film menus: Film Select <–> Film Edit
<-> Film Conds/Deposit Controls. On the topmost Film Menu,
returns to the Main Menu.


Displays the Film Edit Menu for the highlighted film.


Deletes the highlighted film. (Note: Films cannot be deleted if
they are used in any process.)

Press Edit to view the setup parameters for the selected film.