Chapter 1 quick start – INFICON SQC-310 Thin Film Deposition Controller User Manual

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Chapter 1

Quick Start



Press the Process Menu SoftKey to view a list of processes.

Turn the setting knob to scroll to an entry in the list that is
labeled .

Press the Create SoftKey to create a default process at that

Press the Select SoftKey to make the selection the active


Press the Edit SoftKey to view a list of layers in the selected
process. The layers list should be blank.


Press Insert Layer, then scroll down the list of films to the film
you just created.

Press Insert Layer to insert the selected film as Layer 1. The
display returns to the Layer Select menu.

L a y e r S e l e c t M e n u

I n s e r t

L a y e r

T o

M a i n

P r e v

M e n u

P r o c e s s 2 5 - > L a y e r 1 - > F ilm 1

L a y e r

F ilm 1

F ilm

L a y e r 1

E d i t

C u t /

P a s t e

A process consists of one or more layers. Each layer can have a different film, or even
multiple films (Co-deposition). For this example, we will stop with only a single layer.