Chapter 3 menus, 5 process menus – INFICON SQC-310 Thin Film Deposition Controller User Manual

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Chapter 3



3.5 Process Menus

There are several tiers of Process Menus. The first menu (shown below) selects the
current process. The current process is the process that is ready to run, and also the
process that is selected for editing.

P ro c e s s S e le c t M e nu

F ilm

C o n d s.

D e p o s it

C o n tro ls

T o

M a in

P re v

M e n u

E d it

P rocess 1

S croll P rocesses w ith K nob

13. < E m pty>

12. < E m pty>

11. < E m pty>

10. < E m pty>

9. < E m pty>

8. < E m pty>

7. < E m pty>

6. < E m pty>

5. < E m pty>

4. < E m pty>

3. < E m pty>

2. < E m pty>

1. P rocess1


Returns to the Main Screen, Menu 3.


Steps back through the sequence of process menus: Process
Select <–> Layer Select <–> Layer Edit. On this topmost
Process Menu, returns to the Main Menu.

Select /

Select sets the highlighted process as the current process.
Edit displays the Layer Select Menu for the current process.


Deletes the highlighted process and all of its layers.