Chapter 3 menus – INFICON SQC-310 Thin Film Deposition Controller User Manual
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Chapter 3
Thickness Limit: Sets an arbitrary thickness when the thickness limit relay is activated.
Start Mode: Determines whether a layer begins automatically upon completion of the
previous layer. If Manual start is selected, the previous layer ends at its idle power and
waits for the user to push the Start button.
Output: Selects the control voltage output that is active for the selected layer.
Max Power: The maximum output power allowed for the selected output. The Scale
output voltage is a function of the deposition power supply input specifications, and is
set in the System Parameters menu. Max Power controls the maximum power that can
be used by this process layer.
Slew Rate: The maximum power change allowed on an output, per second. If power or
rate ramps exceed this value, an error will occur.
Sensor 1-4: Allows each quartz crystal Sensor to be selected for the selected film. If
multiple sensors are assigned to a film, their readings are averaged. If multiple sensors
are assigned to a film, and one fails, it is excluded from measurements.
Other selections, besides Sensor On/Off, may appear if certain relays or inputs are
assigned in the System Parameters, I/O Setup menu:
If a Dual Crystal Shutter relay is assigned to Sensor 1 or 3 in the I/O Setup Menu,
Sensor 1 or 3 becomes the primary sensor and Sensor 2 or 4 the secondary sensor. If
the primary sensor fails, measurement automatically switches to the secondary sensor.
The secondary sensor will be used until the process completes or is aborted. The next
process run will return to the primary sensor.
If a Multi Crystal Move relay is assigned to a sensor in the I/O Setup Menu, a Xtal
Switch selection is also shown in this menu. If a sensor fails, a relay is pulsed to move
to the next sensor in the head. Selection continues until a good sensor is found, or all
crystals in the multi-crystal head have failed.
If Multi Xtal Ready inputs are assigned in I/O Setup, you can select a specific crystal of
the multi-crystal head for each layer. This is useful for depositing only one type of
material on each crystal. If a specific sensor of a multi-crystal head is selected, and that
sensor fails, the process halts or goes into timed power.