EZWatch Pro 3.0 User Manual
Page 34

Baud rate This function is optional. You need to select a correct Baud rate if your system
connects a NetCom Controller Board. For detail please refer NetCom user manual. (Default
setting is 9600 bps)
Checksum This function is optional. Some of Speed dome camera needs to enable
“ Checksum “ code. For detail please refer NetCom user manual.
Note: If you use the I-View’s Speed dome camera series, the setting of NC-320AM-I must be
Baud Rate: 9600 bps, Enable “ Checksum “ and select “ Peclo P “ protocol from “ Camera
configuration “.
Select Modem For AnyView Pro user or using Phone/Pager notify function should select
which modem will be used and enable “Monitor” below to communicate with Local DVR
Server. If user’s modem and fax share one telephone line, user must disable ”monitor” when
no more connection required otherwise modem will occupy phone line always.
Note: 1. You can select “None” to leave modem open for other communication software or
voice calls.
2. You must select which modem will be used and enable “Monitor” for AnyView
Pro user and Phone/Pager notify functions.
3. Sometime the modem cannot connect to Local DVR Server when you use the
AnyView Pro. You can setup the parameter of Windows 2000 and XP following as
below: "Start" > "Setting" > "Control panel" > " Component Services "
>"Services (Local)" > "Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator" > Enable
"Start" > "OK".
Screen rotation time regulates the time period of camera rotation by clicking
on the
main screen. Click on the icon again to disable the rotation function. (Default setting is 5
Assign camera rotation To rotate the sequence of the assigned cameras, which you want to
show on the screen. Follow the instructions below to set up:
Step 1. Select the rotation way from the “Splitter” of drop down menu as the window