1. uninstalling witness as/ase/hs/dx xp – EZWatch Pro 3.0 User Manual
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3. Uninstalling Witness AS/ASE/DX/HS XP and Device Driver
This chapter describes the removal of the software and device driver.
3-1. Uninstalling Witness AS/ASE/HS/DX XP
You can uninstall Witness XP software by doing the following steps:
Step 1: Click “Start”, “Programs”, “Witness AS/ASE/HS/DX XP”, and then select “Uninstall
Witness AS/ASE/HS/DX XP”.
Step 2: Click “Yes” to start uninstalling “Witness AS/ASE/HS/DX XP”.
Step 3: Click “OK” to complete the removal of the software.