Despatch Protocol Manager with Protocol 3 and Protocol Plus User Manual
Page 36

Protocol Manager Instruction Manual
Version 1
Copyright © 2013 by Despatch Industries.
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
For a controller named "East Fab #1" with an address of 2, a datalog file name would either begin
with "002" (if Address selected) or "East_Fab_#1" (if Name selected).
For a run started on February 4th, 2000, at 2:13:45 pm, the Time Stamp would be either "000204"
(if YYMMDD selected), "00020414" (if YYMMDDhh selected), "0002041413" (if
YYMMDDhhmm selected), or "000204141345" (if YYMMDDhhmmss selected).
If "Name" and "YYMMDDhh" were selected, the complete file name prefix would be
"East_Fab_#1_00020414", and the new datalog filename would be
"East_Fab_#1_00020414.log". If a file with that name already existed, however, the new file
would be renamed "East_Fab_#1_00020414_1.log".
When a datalog is started, and a filename is created, duplicate filenames are checked for; if a file
with the created name already exists, the new filename's prefix has an underscore and a numerical
value appended to it to create a unique filename.