Dakota Ultrasonics UMX-2 User Manual
Page 16

UMX-2 Underwater Material & Coating Thickness Gauge
Zero: The UMX-2 can use two different types of transducers, a dual or single
element. This menu item will only be visible if the UMX-2 identified a dual ele ment
transducer connected.
Auto – The auto zero feature of the UMX-2, performs an “off block” electronic
zero automatically, eliminating the need for a manual zero on a specified disk
or block. When the UMX-2 boots up, it will perform an auto zero during the
boot sequence. However, another auto zero may be need to account for
changes in temperature, or an incorrect zero due to couplant on the end of the
transducer during the zeroing process. Refer to the section on page 25, for a
detailed explanation.
Manual – The UMX-2 is also equipped with an “on block” manual zero option.
This zero would only be used to reset the internal zero for of the UMX-2, as a
reference point for the auto zero. Note: the reference disk is located on the
end of the UMX-2 enclosure. Refer to the section on page 25, for a detailed
Coating - In order to account for very slight electronic differences in
transducers of the same type, frequency, and diameter, the UMX-2 has been
equipped with a “zero coating” feature. This zero is only used when the PECT
coating mode feature is being used. Although the coating thickness is not
displayed on the UMX-2 actual LCD displays, the coating thickness is stored
with the base material thickness when a measurement is saved to memory.
Once the data is downloaded to a PC, the coating thickness will be displayed
with PECT measurement stored. Refer to the section on page 40, for a
detailed explanation.
Gain: A 5 position gain switch in 2 db increments from 40 to 50 dB. Increase for
better penetration or punch, and decrease to eliminate unwanted noise or better
resolution. Refer to page 32 for further info.