7 modbus setting – Atop Technology EH7510 User manual User Manual
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Atop Industrial Managed Ethernet Switch
User Manual V 1.0
forward (or backward) is usually an hour.
- SNTP: Network Time Protocol. It is used to synchronize the
computer systems’ clocks.
Two of the NTP server examples would be time.nist.gov and clock.stdtime.gov.tw.
2.3.7 Modbus Setting
Modbus is a serial communication protocol which allows communication between devices to
be connected to the same network. It is used to connect a supervising computer to the
network, and thus control all the devices behind it.
Fig. 2.15
Fig. 2.15 shows where users can set up the modbus address; in addition to that, users can
use Modbus Poll for configurations. Setup steps are illustrated as follows:
1. Make sure the Modbus Poll is connected to your target EH7510.
2. Click on “06” on the top toolbar.
Fig. 2.16