2N Lift8 v1.0 User Manual

Page 153

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Incoming Calls


Like at relax, the Lift name, Serial number and Address if completed appear in the
central part of the lift card. If the address is set, the lift position on the map gets
displayed too. Use the scroll bar in the left-hand upper corner of the map to zoom in
and out. There are three tables to the right with the same meaning as in the Lifts
menu. Use the filters in the columns; refer to the subsection dealing with check
calls. The Authorised Technicians table shows which technicians and operators
administer the selected lift. This helps the dispatcher choose the technician responsible
for the given sector and arrange for the lift repair. The Emergency Calls table displays
a list of alarm calls from the particular lift including the alarm call date/time, the
username of the agent/dispatcher who processed the call and a note if any recorded
during the alarm call. The Check Calls table displays all the check calls from the
particular lift since the lift was added to the database. Every record includes the check
call date/time and result.


The Outgoing call window is completely identical with the Incoming call
window and provides identical functions.