Contacts – 2N Lift8 v1.0 User Manual
Page 148

Lifts Menu
There are three tables to the right. Use filtration for the table columns as described in
the subsection dealing with check calls. The Authorised Technicians table shows which
technicians and operators administer the selected lift. This helps the dispatcher choose
the technician responsible for the given sector and arrange for the lift repair. The
Emergency Calls table displays a list of alarm calls from the particular lift including the
call date/time, the username of the agent/dispatcher who processed the call and a note
if any recorded during the alarm call. The Check Calls table displays all the check calls
from the particular lift since the lift was added to the database. Every record includes
the check call date/time and result.
The Contacts menu includes a list to the left, which displays all the configured users of
system. Click on a user to open its card. The Username, Name,
2N Lift8
Surname and Contact number appear in the central part of the screen. If the user is
assigned a contact number, you can call this user by clicking the Call button. You will
then be redirected to the Outgoing call window and the call will be accomplished. See
below for more details. If the call cannot be accomplished, you will be notified by a