3 checking the device, 1 checking the spectrometer unit, Checking the device 8.3.1 – Eppendorf BioSpectrometer fluorescence User Manual

Page 67: Checking the spectrometer unit

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Eppendorf BioSpectrometer



English (EN)

5. If the cuvette shaft cover needs to be removed for the disinfection, proceed as follows for the diassembly

and assembly (see Cleaning the cuvette shaft cover on p. 66).

6. You can use spray disinfection to disinfect the disassembled cuvette shaft cover.


Checking the device


• Observe the ambient conditions (see Ambient conditions on p. 83).
• Carry out an inspection at approx. 20 °C. Avoid temperature variations (e.g, due to opened windows).
• The filter may only be removed from the filter box for a short period of time, and the filter surfaces must

be protected from contamination or damage.

• Protect the filter from dust, heat, liquids and aggressive vapors.
• The filter is inserted so that the label with the name of the filter points toward the detector.

– When the spectrometer unit is checked: label points forward.
– When the fluorescence unit is checked: label points to the right.

• The cuvette shaft is free from contamination.


Checking the spectrometer unit

Eppendorf offers a filter kit (BioSpectrometer reference filter kit) for checking the photometric accuracy
and wavelength systematic error. The kit contains one blank filter (A0) and three filters (A1, A2 and A3) for
checking the photometric accuracy, and 3 filters for checking the wavelength systematic error in the range
of 260 nm to 800 nm. The filter absorbances are measured against blank filter A0. In addition to
information on accuracy, you also obtain information on precision: average value and variation coefficient
(CV value) are calculated from the sets of 15 measurements per wavelength.

For the measurement, place the blank filters (for blank measurement) and sample filters into the cuvette
shaft, using the same procedure as with cuvettes. The absorbance values measured for the test filters will
be compared to the permitted range of values. For the individual filters, the limit values for the permitted
area are printed in a table in the lid of the filter box.