Putting text inside a shape – Apple Pages User Manual

Page 68

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Chapter 3

Formatting Text and Paragraphs

To place a paragraph fill color behind text:


Select the paragraph or paragraphs to which you want to add the fill color.


Choose View > Show Inspector (or click Inspector in the toolbar), click the Text

Inspector button, and then click More.


In the More pane of the Text Inspector, select the Paragraph Fill checkbox to place a

fill color behind the text.


Click the Fill color well and select a color in the Colors window (for information about

the Colors window, see “Using Color and Image Fills” on page 127).

Putting Text Inside a Shape

If you want to create callouts or sidebars that are not rectangular, you can place text

inside one of the drawn shapes provided by Pages. All shapes, except lines, can

contain text.

To add text to a shape:


Place a shape where you want it on the page. (To learn about adding shapes, see

“Adding Simple Shapes, Tables, and Charts” on page 108.)


Double-click the shape and type the text you want. If the text extends beyond the

border of the shape, a clipping indicator appears.


To resize the shape, select it and drag the selection handles. (If the insertion point is

inside the shape, press Command-Return to get out of text editing mode and select

the shape.)

You can format the text within a shape, but you cannot link shapes.

Select to place a fill color
behind text.

Select a fill color.

The clipping indicator
shows the text extends
beyond the borders of a