Setting paragraph fill colors – Apple Pages User Manual
Page 67

Chapter 3
Formatting Text and Paragraphs
The new text box has a solid blue square on its left side. This indicates that this text
box is linked to a previous one.
Drag the text boxes to reposition them. The flow of the text inside the boxes always
follows the order in which the boxes were created, regardless of where you position
them in the document.
To move linked text boxes:
Select all of them, then choose Edit > Copy.
Select the destination point and choose Edit > Paste.
Note: If you copy and paste a single linked box, you will create a single unlinked text
box, identical to the one you copied.
To select only the text in all the linked text boxes:
Select text in the first box, and then press Command-A.
Setting Paragraph Fill Colors
For some designs, it may be easier to highlight text by placing a paragraph fill color
behind the text. When you place a paragraph fill color behind text, the color extends
between the layout margins and moves with the text.
A filled blue square on
the right indicates this
text box is linked before
another one.
An open blue square
indicates this text box is
the last in this series.
A filled blue square on
the left indicates this text
box is linked to a
previous one.