The inspector window – Apple Pages User Manual

Page 23

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Chapter 1

Overview of Pages


To customize the toolbar:


Choose View > Customize Toolbar.


To add an item to the toolbar, drag its icon to the toolbar at the top.


To remove an item from the toolbar, drag it out of the toolbar.


To rearrange items in the toolbar, drag them.


To make the toolbar icons smaller, select Use Small Size.


To display only icons or only text, choose an option from the Show pop-up menu.

If you frequently reconfigure the toolbar, you can add the Customize button to it.

Note: You can restore the default set of toolbar buttons by dragging the default set to

the toolbar. To learn what a button in the Customize dialog does, drag it to the toolbar

and then place the pointer over it until a help tag appears.

The Inspector Window

The Inspector window puts formatting tools at your fingertips as you work. You can

format most elements of your document using the ten panes of the Inspector

window, including document layout, text appearance, size and positioning of

graphics, and much more.

Add text boxes, shapes,
tables, and charts.

Open the Inspector
window, Media Browser,
Colors window, and Font

Create column layouts
on the fly.

Apply styles to text
and lists.

Change how text flows
around objects.

Add pre-formatted pages
to your document.