Apple Pages User Manual

Page 190

background image



background color 51
borders 67
fill color 67
indent 62
margins 61

paragraph break icon 19
paragraph fill 79
paragraph formatting

using hyphenation 90
using ligatures 90

paragraph style

creating new 80
modifying 77

PDF 110, 175
pie charts 164
placeholder graphics 15,

18, 34, 184

placeholder text

about 18, 32
creating 183
editing 183
using 32

plain text 175
portrait orientation 91
position tags 36
presets 173

adjusting color 174
cover page 172
creating presets 173
document 46, 169
double-sided 173
odd/even pages

only 172

paper size 169
reverse order 172

print preview 46


rich text format 175
Right Tab icon 59
RTF 175
rulers 20

changing units 20, 36
showing 36


saving documents 45
scaling an image 131
section break 99
shadows 134

text 51


aligning text 55
inserting text in 68
placing 109

shortcut menu 25, 144

keyboard 25
menus 25


defining defaults 181

size tags 36
smart quotes 53
space icon 19
spacing text 54
special characters/

symbols 52

spelling 42
strikethrough text 50

applying 73
copying and pasting 76
importing 74
modifying bulleted/

numbered 84

modifying character 81

paragraph 77

modifying tiered list

(outline) 86

overrides 75

Styles drawer

about 21

subscript 47
superscript 47

inserting in text 52


tab icon 19

adding rows and

columns 144

cells, aligning text 55
cells, automatically fit

contents 147

cells, deleting

contents 144

cells, formatting

borders 149

cells, inset margins 149
cells, merging 146
cells, resizing 147
cells, selecting 142
cells, selecting

borders 143

cells, splitting 147
cells, text

alignment 148

delete rows and

columns 145

editing text 143